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July 31, 2008



What we need is a BBQ.
We haven't had one of those in a while either..and with the Girl coming home..sounds like a great reason!

you can even throw food :)

Lisa Beamer

While it isn't really helpful to either of us, I have to say it is a bit comforting, at least, to know I'm not the only one who goes into summer with a big to-do list and then wondered why blessed few things are crossed off at this point. And now I've got a kid-free week coming up and I've got this delusion that THIS will be the week I'll get tons of things done. Who am I kidding? :}


I can't believe you publicized my hair pep talk.
It's all lies. Seriously.

Linda Sherwood

I need to start doing that hair pep thing. ;-)


ok..we are almost at the halfway point for August....even a cheater post would be good.

Air Jordan shoes

The main dangers in this life are the people who want to change everything --- or nothing.


The article is worth reading, I like it very much

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