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May 13, 2008



The pants do touch your belly button. And I usually only wear a look of disgust when you tuck in shirts with said pants.

Angela Klocke

Oh yeah? Well, I turn into a bumbling idiot when I try to converse with the deaf. Not only do I get louder, because everyone knows the deaf CAN hear if only you speak louder, but I move my hands in a way that is SO NOT sign language, and I move my lips in a way that make deaf people look at me weird because they can no longer read my lips.

I just realized I did it when trying to help a customer order the other night. Turns out, he was just fine - and already prepared! - to write down his order for me.


It's when you start to speak louder AND slower that you begin to have a problem. And when you transfer this over to deaf people as well, then you need to committed. Or beaten with a dead fish. Either way.

Angela Klocke

You know...blogging is also good for the soul.

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The main dangers in this life are the people who want to change everything --- or nothing.

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Great post your given information does helping me a lot knowing that you have shared this information here freely.

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