You're on the air!
Ok, you're not, really, and neither am I. But a lot of people are. Except, I guess it's not "on the air" so much as "on the Web", or, more commonly, "on my iPod".
Since the New Year, there are two new elements to my life:
1) the cutest little iPod you ever did see, that my Big Girl bought for me (note: children with jobs and credit cards buy nice presents for their mommies. At least until they have mortgage payments of their own)
2) A fixed amount of time each week - approximately 4-6 hours- where i get to listen to my Cutest Ever iPod uninterrupted and undistracted by anything else.
So once I'd mastered adding all my favourite songs to my playlist, and listened to them over and over - and over - again, I started looking for some of these newfangled podcast things I'd been hearing about for a while.
I don't know quite what I expected, but it turns out I lurrve them! They're just like radio shows of old (by which I mean before my time) and I'm in awe of the effort that goes into the ones I've found. They're very entertaining, as well as informative, and I'm once again, madly envious of the talent involved.
When I was about 9 or so, I went through this fascination with the family cassette player. We kids would gather and create what we called the Quick Divnich Radio Show (the other kids' name was Quick) Four of us would experiment with creating sound effects using household items, tell a few jokes, sing a song or two, fake a newscast and then segue to a 15 minute rendition of our version of the Dukes of Hazzard TV show.
Yes, the Dukes of Hazzard part is a little sad, but it was 1980. What can I say? Other kids were running the streets- we were playing with a cassette recorder and Matchbox cars. Which is worse?
And it was fun. And now here we are, 25 28 years later, and people make their own, albeit much better planned and produced, little audio shows.
And now I'm thinking I want to podcast. After all, I love to talk (and talk and talk) and writing, for me, is often like talking to paper. Podcasting would be like writing out loud! So, I'll put that on the list of things I might do eventually, (only no Dukes of Hazzard) and give it some serious thought.
Old Luv Thang pal Lani's Will Write for Wine has quickly become a favourite listen. Make sure you check it out!