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November 04, 2007



I'm at 700 words!! I stopped thinking and started writing.


Not to mention that the light that they give off is less than...enlightening. We switched most of the household bulbs last year, and my office was the last to be done. It is dark in there. Even with 3 bulbs...i am thinking i am going to stock up on the illegal kind...
(visions of me standing in a trench coat on the corner, whispering...HEY, wanna buy a light bulb?)

Linda Sherwood

I can't help but read Kim's comment and think of the Seinfeld episode where Elaine was deciding if a guy was worthy of using her stock of her sponge birth-control. ;-)

Kid's room? Not worthy. Office? Definitely.


Are the light bulbs preventing you from posting?


Anybody home????


It was called Project Porchlight, Mama.
You know, paranoia is a sign of insanity in your old age.

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