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August 05, 2007


Linda Sherwood

I have a hope chest. It was my 16th birthday present. I never used it as a "hope" chest, but I have always used it as a "memory" chest. Most of my important high school memories are in there. As well as some from later on. It is where you will find my cap and gown, various Viking memorabilia and things I wrote a long long time ago, as well as my old journals, some dried up corsages and my high school medals. :)

Heather C.

OH I wanted a hope chest too! My cousin had one, darn her... and I wanted one so badly... I asked for it every Christmas.


Thank God that stupid thing is out of my room!

x-hausted hubby

I was just thinking.... what a great big humidor like that could do for my cigars....

Jenn PB

I never did get a hope chest and my oldest feels the same as yours. What is with these girls, they read all the same books as we did, why don't they want a hope chest?


My Uncle Pete always told me that i had the hope chest for the family. I had the chest the others hoped for....ba-dum-dum.


why is the little Tykes kitchen in my basement ?


I think we lived the same adolescence. Longing for chests (both kinds), reading about Sweet Valley High.

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