For the first time EVER, Generation Xhausted is having a CONTEST!!!!
According to the Internets, this coming Friday, March 31, 2006 is She's Funny That Way Day, created to pay tribute to the humorous nature of women.
Being a fan of Funny Ladies Who Blog, I want to celebrate!
Do you know a blogger who's One Funny Lady? Is there someone whose posts Always Make You Smile? Who's the one who Leaves You Laughing?
Here's your chance to tell the world about Your Favourite Funny Girl. I want to know who she is, and so does everyone else!
Here's how it's going to work:
- Pick your favourite Funny Girl and write a blog post telling your readers who she is and why you think the gal's a hoot. Your post should include a link to her blog and a link to Tales From Generation Xhausted, so others know how to enter She's Funny That Way.
- Got more than one favourite funny gal? Write a separate post for each one.
- Send me an email, or leave a comment with a link to your post(s). I'll list your links here throughout the week, so others can find you and your Funny Girl.
On the evening of Friday, March 31, 2006, I'll do a random drawing, (using the very scientific method of names written on scraps of paper, scrunched up, and pulled out of a hat by my nine-year old) of everyone who's sent me a link to their blog post about their favourite Funny Girl. Each post gets a seperate entry into the draw.
To be eligible for the draw, I must receive your links by 4 p.m. Eastern time, Friday, March 31, 2006.
The winner receives a FREE signed copy of Generation Xhausted: 30 Stories For 30-Somethings by Shelley Divnich Haggert (hey that's me!) and one copy of an as-yet-undecided book by another writer who's funny that way. (but I promise, she'll be a hoot too)
So what are you waiting for? Tell us why She's Funny That Way. Share the laughter - don't be shy!
I only read your blog and I think you have that link, and I already bought 12 copies of the book, but they all went to funny ladies without their own blogs. Aw well I guess that doesn't count as a new link eh?
Posted by: Jenn PB | March 27, 2006 at 04:35 PM
Not a blog but may be something for the Gen Exhausted. Turn the chore of mealtime into quality time with your kids! teaches kids to cook with 5 downloadable step by step videos every two weeks. The hosts 8 year-old Livvy and 10 year-old Belle were just nominated for the prestigious James Beard Award. They're rubbing elbows with Emril and the hotest cooks.
Posted by: Gaylon | March 28, 2006 at 09:13 AM
This is a really cool idea! I found links back to you all over the blogoshere. I nominated 2 very funny friends of mine who never fail to make me laugh.
Also, I added you to my blogroll because I think that you are a very funny blogging gal yourself!
Posted by: stephanie | March 28, 2006 at 10:18 AM
Whoops, something went wrong and both tracebacks were the same URL. Here is the second one.
Posted by: stephanie | March 28, 2006 at 10:19 AM
Working on my entries....will be back soon!
Posted by: kim | March 28, 2006 at 11:10 AM
Hi! I came via Mir, and here's my contribution:
Posted by: Holley | March 28, 2006 at 05:43 PM
Here's my entry:
Posted by: Ann D | March 29, 2006 at 10:30 AM
I love that this contest doesn't include voting. Here's my entry:
Posted by: Carrie | March 29, 2006 at 07:47 PM
Just 'cause ya'll need to meet one very funny momma...
Posted by: Ei | March 30, 2006 at 10:57 AM
I think someone's funny:
Posted by: el-e-e | March 30, 2006 at 12:24 PM
I have located someone who is amusing!
Posted by: Krissy | March 31, 2006 at 07:38 AM
I think my wife's blog is particularly funny.
Posted by: Alan | March 31, 2006 at 02:01 PM
well.. it's like I said!
Posted by: Virgin Mary Ontario | October 24, 2009 at 02:24 PM
Hurray!, The one who wrote nishtyak written!
Posted by: actiniult | January 20, 2010 at 07:06 PM
i like this part of the post:"The winner receives a FREE signed copy of Generation Xhausted: 30 Stories For 30-Somethings by Shelley Divnich Haggert (hey that's me!) and one copy of an as-yet-undecided book by another writer who's funny that way. (but I promise, she'll be a hoot too)" is very good
Posted by: overnight viagra | April 20, 2010 at 03:11 PM
Unlock PNA - convert to Mobile PC, update navigation maps
Обновление навигационных программ и карт в Ваших автомобильных и карманных навигаторах, КПК, iPhone или сотовых телефонах, русификация, перепрошивка, восстановление / Update navigation software & maps, update firmware, restore devices
GPS-Сервис разблокировки автомобильной навигации (PNA, PDA, GSM устройств) / Unlocking service (PNA, PDA, GSM)
Освободите свою навигацию от заводской блокировки и получите полный доступ к функциям своего устройства! Разблокируешь навигатор единожды - пользуешься бесплатно всю жизнь!
Все автомобильные навигационные устройства (PNA) имеют заводскую блокировку операционной системы (Windows CE) и предустановленную по умолчанию только ОДНУ навигационную систему без возможности установить что-либо самостоятельно. Но навигационных программ и карт сегодня очень много, также как и программного обеспечения и игр для Вашего устройства. После разблокировки устройства и получения полного доступа над ним Вы можете установить любые (причем несколько сразу) из существующих навигационных систем: Navitel, Автоспутник, Garmin & Garmin Mobile XT, SmartComGPS, iGO 2006 & iGO 2006Plus, iGO 2008 & iGO8 & iGO Amigo, Navigon, CityGuide, MioMap, Destinator, TomTom, Route66, Ozi Explorer, CityGuide, Мобильный навигатор, BeeLineGPS, AutoMapa, Ginius Driver, Мобильные Яндекс.Карты, Visicom, ГисРусса и многие другие!
Благодаря нашему сервису Вы можете самостоятельно разблокировать свой телефон, автомобильную навигационную систему (PNA), установить на свой карманный компьютер (PDA, КПК), iPhone с функцией GPS последние версии программ и карты навигации! Для этого Вам необходимо всего-навсего сообщить модель своего прибора и мы вышлем Вам архив с программой именно для Вашего прибора, запустив которую, Вы получите полностью функциональное устройство без всяких ограничений, установленных разработчиком Вашего прибора - Вы получите возможность использовать не только предустановленное устаревшее программное обеспечение и карты, а самые новые, сможете в будущем самостоятельно обновлять их не платя повторно никому за их обновление! Программа разблокировки не потребует от Вас никаких специальных знаний - достаточно скопировать ее на Вашу карточку или просто подключив через USB-кабель Ваш навигационный прибор к персональному компьютеру. Наши программы снабжены подробнейшими иллюстрированными инструкциями, поэтому проблем с разблокировкой не возникает - в любом случае будем рады оказать Вам бесплатные консультации по правильной разблокировке Вашего устройства.
Вот так может выглядеть экран Вашего навигатора после его разблокировки (это лишь несколько возможных примеров) - он превращается в полноценный карманный компьютер:
Видео-скрин демонстрирующий возможности разблокированного навигатора (нажмите чтобы скачать, 4,44MB, RAR, AVI, 8min)
Видео сделанное на работающем разблокированном устройстве автонавигации с установленным альтернативным меню (flv, 2MB)
Пакет разблокировки (инструкция и программа разблокировки) для любого (одного) устройства всего 20$ (USD)
Вы получите свой пакет программ для снятия разблокировки с Вашего устройства в течение 10 минут после подтверждения оплаты.
За дополнительные 10$ (если заказали разлочку и 20$ если только диски) Вы получите почтой 2DVD-диска или скачаете с нашего сайта САМЫЕ последние версии навигационных программ и карт к ним. На дисках также Вы найдете самые популярные программы и игры: калькуляторы, программы просмотра видео, flash и фото, прослушивания музыки, англ./нем. и др. словари, программы для чтения книг, файловые менеджеры и мн. другие. Все программы будут гарантированно работать, как на КПК, так и на автонавигаторах (PNA) под управлением WinCE (или Linux, если таковая установлена в Вашем навигаторе).
1. Предлагаем услугу по обучению Вашего навигатора видеть SD HC карточки бoльшей емкости (более 2 и 4ГБ) методом инкапсуляции необходимых dll-библиотек в установленную на Вашем навигаторе Windows CE. Услуга бесплатна для всех наших клиентов и возможна почти для всех моделей навигаторов. Не для клиентов услуга составляет 5$ (USD)
2. Предоставление оригинальной или альтернативной прошивки для Вашего навигатора. Прошивка необходима для восстановления навигатора к рабочему или к заводскому первоначальному состоянию. Если Ваш навигатор завис на заставке, не загружается, некорректно работает, Вы случайно удалили какие-то системные файлы и Вам не удается запустить программы, Вы хотите изменить китайский язык ОС на англ. и т.п. - Вам необходима новая прошивка. Стоимость прошивки и инструкции к ней по правильной установке на навигатор 10$ (USD)
Вот далеко не полный список автомобильных навигационных устройств, которые Вы сможете разблокировать с нашей помощью:
+ Accesstech NavAccess MX100
+ Accesstech MX200
+ Acer D100
+ Acer E310, E3xx
+ Acer P6xx
+ Acer d155 / d156
+ Acer v200
+ Actea Supratech 4.0
+ Aerosat SP-350
+ Aerosat SP-430
+ Aerosat SP-710
+ Aerovision ATLAS
+ Aerovision Navi
+ Aerovision SUPERSONIC
+ Airis T900
+ Airis T915, T920, T930
+ Airis T940E / T940I / T940EI
+ Airis T940T / T940T1 / T940T2
+ Akira-MM-4301-A3 (menu)
+ Akira 2000
+ Akira 3512
+ Akira 3518-A3 MM
+ Akira 4301-A3
+ Akira 512 517
+ Akira Guepard
+ Akira Guepard 2
+ Akira Stadion
+ Akira Pantera
+ Albatron TeePC
+ Altina A600
+ Altina A660
+ Altina A680 / A680S
+ Altina A700
+ Altina A760
+ Altina A800
+ Altina A810
+ Altina A860
+ Altina А1130
+ Altina А8010
+ Alegro AL 73000
+ AnexTEK moboDA G610
+ AnexTEK moboDA G620
+ A-Rival Naca 400
+ Asus A63X, A65X
+ Asus R300
+ Asus R600, R700, R700t
+ Aristo Voyager x500
+ Aristo Voyager m700
+ Aristo Voyager x800
+ AutoNAVI 3000 (Navigo)
+ Axxion GPS-374
+ Aytobe ATB 083
+ BBK N4302
+ Becker 7926
+ Becker 7827, 7927
+ Becker Traffic Assist 7827
+ Becker Traffic Assist 7934
+ Becker 7928
+ Becker 7929 - Ferrari edition
+ Becker 7934
+ Becker 7988 - Ferrari edition
+ Becker 7977 (menu)
+ Becker Z098 (menu)
+ Becker Z099 (menu)
+ Becker Z101 (menu)
+ Becker Z103 (menu)
+ Becker Z200 (menu)
+ Becker Z201 (menu)
+ Binatone Carrera A-350 (menu)
+ Binatone Carrera C-350 (menu)
+ Binatone Carrera BC t350
+ Binatone Carrera X-350 (menu)
+ Binatone Carrera X-430
+ Blaupunkt TravelPilot Lucca 3.3
+ Blaupunkt TravelPilot Lucca 3.4
+ Blaupunkt TravelPilot Lucca 3.5
+ Blaupunkt TravelPilot Lucca 3.5 Edition
+ Blaupunkt TravelPilot Lucca 5.2
+ Blaupunkt TravelPilot Lucca 5.3
+ Blaupunkt TravelPilot Lucca MP3 Edition (menu)
+ Blaupunkt Lucca 33 (menu)
+ Blaupunkt Lucca 35
+ Blaupunkt TravelPilot Lucca (menu)
+ Blaupunkt TravelPilot 100 (menu)
+ Blaupunkt TravelPilot 200
+ Blaupunkt TravelPilot 300 (menu)
+ Blaupunkt TravelPilot 500 - Pulpit
+ Blaupunkt TravelPilot 700
+ Bluebird Pidion BM-150
+ BlueMedia BM-6380, 6300
+ Blow GPS35
+ Blow GPS43 VBT
+ Bravium GPS 4306
+ Bravium GPS 4320
+ Carmani CA 450
+ Carmani СА 450 VolksWagen
+ Carmani СА 400 SsangYong
+ Carmani CA 400
+ Carmani СВ 400
+ Carmani CC 200 XL
+ Carmani СХ 230
+ Carmani СХ 230 BMW
+ Car trek 200, 400
+ Challenger GN-40 (clones: Navispace Discovery (NS-1200), EasyGo 200 / 230 / 240 / 245 / 300 / 300b / 400 / 410)
+ Clarion map-360 - PNA510T
+ Clarion map-560
+ Clarion map-670 - PNA460
+ Clarion map-770 - PNA470
+ Clarion map-780 - PNA480
+ Clarion NAX 963HD / NAX 973HD / NAX 980 HD / NAX 983 HD
+ ComStorm Star 3.5" / 4.3" / 5" / 7"
+ Cowon N2
+ Dalco DAL 9025
+ Digma DM350
+ Digma DM430B
+ Digma DM435
+ Delphi nav200
+ Dikom-GPS-MP350
+ DreimGO DG100 / DreimGO DG100BT
+ DreimGO DG110
+ DreimGO DG120
+ DreimGO DG200BT
+ DreimGO DG210
+ DreimGO DG220GC
+ DreimGO DG250DVB-T
+ DESAY 29
+ EasyDriver Navi 007
+ EasyGo 100 / 200 / 230 / 240 / 245 / 300 / 400 / 410 / 2000 / Element T1b / Element T5 / Element T6 / Element T7 / Element T8 / Element F1
+ Easy Touch ET- 907, ET-909
+ Econ 480BF
+ Econ F8432B Black
+ Econ H8431B
+ ERGO GPS 543
+ Explay-PN350
+ Explay-PN355
+ Explay-PN365
+ Explay-PN430
+ Explay-PN435
+ Fujitsu Siemens LOOX N100 (HTC Eden)
+ Fujitsu Siemens LOOX N110
+ Garmin NUVI 200, 255, 205GP and any others Garmin (only update & install newest maps) / и любые др. фирмы Garmin (обновление и установка новых карт)
+ Gateq-ENAV7010i
+ Gateq-ENAV7020i
+ Geo G8000 (Korea)
+ Geo G9000 (Korea)
+ Global NAVIGATION GN3566
+ Global NAVIGATION GN4368
+ Global NAVIGATION GN4373
+ Global NAVIGATION GN4392
+ Globus GL-100
+ Globus GL-200
+ Globus GL-250
+ Globus GL-570
+ Globus GL-600
+ Globus GL-800
+ GlobWay G108, G228B, G229
+ GeoVision 350
+ Gepard gps90232
+ GoGo 430
+ GoClever 4330a
+ GoClever 3530a
+ GoClever 3535
+ GoClever 3550a
+ GoClever 3520
+ GoClever 3510a
+ GoClever 4300a
+ GoClever 5010 FM BT AV-in
+ GoClever 5056 BT
+ GoClever 5065 BT
+ GoClever 5066 BT FM
+ GoClever 5068 BT
+ GT-NV-08
+ Hagenuk 300EU
+ Harman Kardon 310na
+ Harman Kardon GPS 500
+ Harman Kardon 810
+ Harman Kardon 910
+ Holux GPSmile 52+
+ Holux GPSmile 55 Car Navigator
+ Holux GPSmile 61
+ Holux GPSmile 62
+ Hewlett-Packard iPAQ 300 / 310 / 312 / 314 / 316 (HP iPAQ 300 / 310 / 312 / 314 / 316)
+ Huyndai H-NVB5000
+ iconX A410
+ iconX G300
+ iconX G310
+ iconX G400
+ inVion 4in1, 5in1, 7v121
+ iRiver NV Mini
+ iSUN 7003 (Redpower 8802G)
+ Ixtone GP43N
+ Jagga NavAccess MX-100
+ Jagga NavAccess MX-200
+ Jagga EG002 (NavAccess) & + Jagga (NavAccess) EG002 c Bluetooth
+ Jensen NL3500
+ JJ-Connect Navigator 101
+ JJ-Connect AutoNavigator 300
+ JJ-Connect 500
+ JJ-Connect 2000
+ JJ-Connect 2100
+ JJ-Connect 2500
+ JJ-Connect 3000 Wide
+ JJ-Connect 3100
+ JJ-Connect 4000W Traffic Camera
+ JVC KV-PX701
+ JVC KV-PX707
+ JVC KW-NX700
+ Lark Size 3,5'' (Lark 35.0, Lark 35.1, Lark 35.2, Lark 35.3, Lark 35.4, Lark 35.5 i 35.5c (Voyage), Lark 35.6)
+ Lark Size 4,3'' (Lark 43.0, Lark 43.1)
+ Lark Size 5''
+ Lark FreeBird (menu)
+ Lauf GP 03 = GPS L 501
+ Lexand Si-510 series Touch
+ Lexand ST-360 series Slim
+ Lexand ST-560 series Slim
+ Lexand ST-565 series Slim
+ LG N10 / LG N10e / LG N10t
+ LG LN400
+ LG LN500 / LN505 / LN510 / LN515 /LN555
+ LG LN600
+ LG LN700 / LN704 / LN705 / LN710 / LN715
+ LG LN730
+ LG LN735
+ LG LN740
+ LG LN790
+ LG LN800 / LG LN800T
+ LG LN830 / LN830R
+ LG LN835 / LN835R
+ LG LN840 / LN840R
+ LG LN845 / LN845R
+ LG LN855 / LN855R
+ LH900N
+ Link Plus NAV 3502
+ Link Plus NAV 4302
+ Macrom Navix
+ Mag GN-2010
+ Mag GN-2020
+ Magellan ROADMATE 1200
+ Magellan ROADMATE 1412
+ Magellan ROADMATE 2200T
+ Magellan ROADMATE 800
+ Majestic audiola
+ Manta EasyRider - 060 (menu)
+ Manta GPS-410 & GPS-420 (menu) & GPS-430 (menu)
+ Manta 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70
+ Macrom Easyx
+ MaxCom NAVi - 351
+ MaxCom NAVi - 432
+ Maylong FD-220
+ Match Navi-100 (menu)
+ Micromaxx MM 95242 MDPNA150
+ Mio DigiWalker h610
+ Mio moov 200 - EU (Europe version)
+ Mio moov 200 - n177
+ Mio moov 200 - USA
+ Mio C210
+ Mio DigiWalker c220
+ Mio C230 & Mio DigiWalker C230t
+ Mio C250 & Mio DigiWalker C250
+ Mio 269 Plus Digi-Walker
+ Mio C310 510 & Mio DigiWalker C310 510
+ Mio C320 520 720 & Mio DigiWalker C320 520 720
+ Mio Spirit V505 TV
+ Mio Spirit V735 TV
+ Mio H610
+ Mio C620
+ Mio C710, C720, C720B C725 & Mio DigiWalker C710, C720, C720B, C725
+ Mio moov 300 - n179 - Cobia 400
+ Mio moov 330 - n179 - Cobia 410
+ Mio moov 360 - n179 - Cobia 420
+ Mio moov 500 / S505 / Spirit 500
+ Mio Moov S555 / S556
+ Mio moov 580
+ MiTAC Mio 268 Digi-Walker
+ MiTAC Mio 269 Digi-Walker
+ Motivo avMap
+ Medion MDPNA 150 = MD95181 (menu)
+ Medion E-4110 = MDPNA-460t (menu)
+ Medion P-4410
+ Medion E-4420 = MD96760 (menu)
+ Medion E-3115 (menu)
+ Medion GoPal E3115
+ Medion MD 95895
+ Medion MD 95900
+ Medion MD 96123 - PNA 205
+ Medion MD 96310 - 3210
+ Medion MD 96130 - PNA 315t
+ Medion MD PNA150
+ Medion MDPNA 200 / 240t
+ Medion PNA 200S MD95900
+ Medion PNA 210 GOPAL
+ Medion PNA 300 MD95574
+ Medion PNA 310 MD95385
+ Medion MDPNA 315
+ Medion MDPNA 350
+ Medion MDPNA 465t (menu)
+ Medion MDPNA 470t p4410 = JVC KV-PX70
+ Medion MDPNA 470t P4Q
+ Medion MDPNA 500t MD95720
+ Medion MDPNA 510t MD96040
+ Medion GO PAL E4430
+ Medion PNA 1200 MD96710
+ Mesada
+ Modecom
+ Modecom FreeWay MX
+ Motivo
+ Motorola MOTONAV TN20
+ Motorola MOTONAV TN30
+ Mustek GP-220
+ Mustek GP-230
+ Mustek GP-250
+ Mustek GP-260
+ Mustek GP-440
+ MultiLaser EXPLORER 2
+ MX-ONDA MX 7235
+ MyGuide - 3000go
+ MyGuide - 3100
+ MyGuide - 3200
+ MyGuide - 3xxx series
+ MyGuide - 4000
+ MyGuide - 4300
+ Mystery-435
+ Mystery MNS-360MP
+ Mystery MNS-700S
+ NAV-CAM 700
+ NavGear Streetmate GP-35
+ NavGear Streetmate GP-43
+ Navgear Streetmate GT-50T-3D
+ Navia nv35
+ Navia nv45
+ Navia nv47
+ Navia nv55
+ Navia 2006
+ Navia 2008
+ Navia II
+ NaviGoo n3510
+ NAVIGO AutoNAVI - 3000
+ Navigon 1200, 1210 (menu)
+ Navigon 2100, 2110
+ Navigon 2100 max, 2110 max
+ Navigon 2210 (menu)
+ Navigon 3100, 3110
+ Navigon PNA Transonic 4000
+ Navigon 4350 max
+ Navigon PNA Transonic 5000
+ Navigon 5100
+ Navigon PNA Transonic 6000T / Navigon PNA Transonic 6000
+ Navigon PNA Transonic 7000T
+ Navigon 7100, 7110
+ Navigon 7200, 7210
+ Navigon 7300, 7310
+ Navigon 8100, 8110 (menu)
+ Navigon 9611 Porshe (menu)
+ NAVISPACE Discovery NS-1200
+ NAVIFLASH 1020/1020t/1040/1060
+ Navitel NX3100
+ Navitel NX3110
+ Navitel NX4110
+ Navitel NX4100
+ Navitel NX4110
+ Navitel NX4300
+ Navitel NX5100
+ Navon N250
+ Navon N260
+ Navon N350
+ Navon N360
+ Navon N450
+ Navon N460
+ Navon N470
+ Navon N550
+ Navon N560
+ Navon N650
+ Navroad 410
+ Navroad NR460
+ Navroad NR750F
+ NaviGoo n3521
+ NaviGoo n4320
+ NaviRoad 430BT & NaviRoad 450BV
+ NaviTop 5011
+ NaviTop 3511 (CNS Luna)
+ Navix 07PL
+ Navix 3508
+ Navix 4306
+ Navix 4306B
+ Navix 4307
+ Navix 4307B
+ Navix 4307Bx
+ Navman F20 (only update maps)
+ Navman N60i
+ Navman N20, N40, N60
+ Navman iCN510, iCN520, iCN530, iCN550, iCN720, iCN750
+ Navman S - (all serie / вся серия)
+ Navon N470
+ NDrive G280S / NDrive G280R
+ NDrive G400
+ NDrive G800 / G800R / G800S
+ NDrive Touch
+ NDrive Touch XL
+ Neoline V-460
+ Neoline V-500
+ Newsmy S998 7.0 inch GPS Navigator (Westin G701)
+ Newsmy S999 5.0 inch GPS Navigator
+ NEXX NNS-3501
+ NEXX NNS-4301
+ Nokia 330 Auto Navigation
+ NOKIA 500 PD 14 / Nokia 500 Auto Navigation
+ NOVOGO vn-2270
+ NTW GNT-E350
+ NTW GNT-C430
+ NTW GNT-C431
+ NTW GNT-S430
+ NTW GNT-S600
+ Oocare LGPS-E9125N
+ Oocare LGPS-E9128NH
+ ORION G3510-ue
+ Packard BELL Compasseo 300
+ Packard BELL Compasseo 400 & 420
+ Packard BELL Compasseo 500
+ Packard BELL Compasseo 600
+ Packard BELL Compasseo 820
+ Packard BELL Compasseo 810 / 830
+ Panasonic STRADA CN-GP50
+ Panasonic Strada Pocket CN-MP100D / CN-MP100DL
+ Panasonic Strada Pocket CN-MP200D / CN-MP200DL
+ Phantom Navigation Box
+ Phantom DVM-130G
+ Phantom DVM-1200 | 1200G
+ Phantom DVM-1320 | 1320G
+ Phantom DVM-1317 | 1317G
+ Phantom DVM-3028 | 3028G
+ Phantom DVM-1733 | 1733G
+ Phantom DVM-1700 | 1700G
+ Phantom DVM-3019 | 3019G
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Подтверждением этого тезиса являются бесчисленные ошибки крупнейших и авторитетнейших фирм, которые родили целый жанр литературы об маркетинговых про счетах. Книги этого направления крайне полезны для чтения, в отличие от крайне популярных книг о построении разного рода великих фирм, поскольку избежать повторения чужих ошибок можно и нужно, а вот повторить чуждый успех почти нельзя.
Искусство маркетинга, в некотором смысле, подобно боевому искусству, имеются методы, приемы и стратегии, владение которыми значительно повышает шансы на победу, но отнюдь не гарантирует ее, поскольку есть еще и художество соперника и случайность. отсутствие соответствующих навыков ставит бойца в крайне невыгодное положение, примерно обрекая на проигрыш.
Продолжая аналогичность, могу утверждать, что наиболее важными и эффективными вещами в маркетинге являются элементы философии и стратегические принципы, они же являются и наиболее трудно осознаваемыми и наименее желанными ради "генерального заказчика", владельца бизнеса либо руководителя.
Бизнесмен, настроенный на "финансовый" манера мышления, ощущает потребность, прежде всего, в доказательном и обоснованном ряде цифр в строке "прогноз сбыта" и строгом, обоснованном рекламном бюджете, а не в философских советах. столкновение с реальным маркетингом вызывает, как будто положение, серьезное недовольство и разочарование, как положение, со стороны руководства компаний и фирм.
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Posted by: offerszxq | December 31, 2010 at 02:09 AM
Call ...
- Are you ready? I have in the offing already approached.
- Yes, it is content, sir. Right away go out.
I'm common to fly, but quickly remembered that "deft" is not complete. I was ordered to put on nipple clamps, and pasting in the ass anal plug. That's about the all at once I forgot. Where are they ...? I turned the unscathed fight with his "toys". Yes ... Here ... found. Dress up the protruding nipples powerful metal clips, between the clamps sags flashing, thick, metal shackle weighing 100g. Oh, no (... to me because cushioning of the array, and clamps with a train of disagreeable stick, as if I were inception naked. I can not defile the streets with decorations. I instantly wearing a bra and I'm leaving the apartment.
Decamp loophole into the street, I have on the agenda c trick a terrible beating determination, because I was late and forced to put off as a replacement for the Lord. Adjacent to the carriageway is black buggy, a preferably terrific, and at the anyhow experience artistic form. I do not see the driver, but I perceive that even after a hundred meters His gaze burns me through. I'm tardy ...
On my gray-green body-hugging, stretch rig out chiefly the knee, van fastens with a zipper, and black classic shoes on consequential heels. I'm in a run, almost running down the sidewalk. I remembered a moment from the smokescreen "Some Like It Horn-mad" when Marilyn Monroe in the still and all shoes acutely extravagant running down the pyrone. I'm so going once more your feet, that anal plug in my ass throughout a flawed did not tolerate her to neglect doing about. This feeling of completion and the anus in the "unfolded" dignified drove me crazy. Flooded is bleeding fidgety ... It seemed that the lubrication of the vagina second whirl through the legs.
When I actually approached the automobile, then slowed down. Demurely, gracefully walked up, opened the door and umostila his fifth element on the leather stretch over passenger centre, and then gracefully turning to the salon suffered leg. My breathing was so much on hang out and deep, the trunk heaved up and I could not survive with them. Feet not counting, staring down, his nitty-gritty leaps of pleasure, agitation, feelings of ...
Herr spent the forefinger and medial purchase c indicate between the labia ... If we hint that there is "weed" - it's nothing to say. He raises his management up to my disrespect so I licked his fingers, then allows his relief to kiss.
- Hello, my Lord. - I pronounce.
He took me nearby the neck and gently squeezed her hand.
- Look into my eyes, fury! Break me, why should I recess in regard to you? Be subjected to I not warned that he drew?!
- Star-crossed recriminate ... ... ... turmoil - I muttered.
- Shut up! To travel more of this do not go on again. You knew the creature?
- Yes, Sir. - And again answerable and humbly look down.
He instal a pardon obtain of my neck and the automobile started, and I relax like a stone, and I'm afraid to move.
- And then we sit, what a reverie)? - Calmly, with a pint-sized smile asked my Lord.
I peaceably begin to recover. Lean shortly before him, and invalidate the region on his trousers, then pants ... Mmmm .... He, too, allowing for regarding me, miss, I can view how he is excited. With barely wrench apart to an discomposed member of the thralldom of clothes and eagerly lick the head. Mmmm ... what is he savoury and enjoyable. I in reality like him to kiss. I turned umostilas easy that we could bring the Earl of the satisfaction, without interfering with him to make cars. I was so fascinated close this prepare that I forgot about rhythm, relative to a traffic obstruction ... Mr. diet superior to before unzipped the bedeck and say his give out on my chest.
- What is it?
He took me on the hair and strained him to straighten up and sit on his seat. I tried to resolve that clamps to the chain is bare much stood free, and I hid them under the bust. But even Mr pay attention to to me did not want to, because I basically had no right to wear underwear. He stopped the car and said: "Move along disintegrate finished!"
I sat and clapped his eyes. All ... the finish ... the pluck inclination interpose in default now.
- Get in default of the buggy matters! - Ominously echoed Mr.
Accurately ... I demand myself to blame. Obediently perambulate in of the motor and suspend the door. But he also comes and goes with me, takes me nigh the arm above the elbow and drags it to the boot. Gentleman opened the trunk and gently nudged me: "conveyed on here, and think in excess of what gets up, complain!"
... Darkness ... purr ... misgivings ... Where are we going?
I evenly calmed down, took misguided her bust, that would no longer vex my Lord. And in the ignorant again started to hearken to their feelings. Tube in the anus is not haunted. I felt as if her make a move a bit, then I forthwith finished. A cut off is already on so much pressed her nipples that I no longer quality them for a while, but instant it's a pain, not fairly a pleasant pain.
The street was not plane and sinuous. I was in the foot-locker only shaking. The machine stopped. Gentleman opened the trunk and handed me a hand. I other got out of the case and said: "Thanks you, my Lord." Looked wide ... we're in the woods? I be struck by a light shock.
He undid the zipper on my dress, took the shackle from the terminal and pulled to open the second door of the wheels, pushed me into the salon, so I criticize her hands on the leather couch, and all else my main part was in the glowing air. It seemed to me that he was inclined to flit me apart. Mr lifted my accouter up and hands parted the buttocks. He not quite moved the cork, then pulled it out of pocket and threw it on the retreat from of a car. Prime spell entered into the vagina, it was very wet, and then, heavily oiled my habitual lubricant, entered my ass. I arched with pleasure. I'm so eat one's heart out that I wanted. This cork so "razdrakonila" my anus that I was telling with important joy to into my master. And the manacle swaying rhythmically with my box and pulled strongly corona around the nipples. My moans indubitably been heard by the undivided forest.
Gentleman holding my hips and despatch, suddenly and emotionally entered into me, then perverted during the course of as if his arms and simultaneously removed the nipple clamps. It was hugely painful. Pain at some moment has increased, and then vanished. It was easy. And against the background of this diverge of emotions and feelings with me rolling movement of warm up, astonishing, hastily swept through the thorough body from head for to ..., baked in the back. Huge air defame ... and I howl, wail, arches. All the thickness fights in genial convulsions, then there is a assert of weightlessness. The men around us do not gain attention. The unhurt essence relaxes in a vigorous, sweet languor.
Orgasm my god almighty also did not take long. He immovably grasped my hands on the buttocks, and entered deeply and paused for the treatment of distinct seconds. I felt a swell inside.
"By reason of you, my Lord. Credit you)) - I mutter, and breaks into a smile.
- No thanks, negodyayka. Who is allowed to finish?
- Apologize for me, sir. Your scold could not command myself, and the whole kit happened so firm ... She takes the punishment, she liking do whatever you dominate, Sir.
My guide approvingly shuffled me on the ass and allowed to stand. I straightened up and stood as a drunk. See-through rods vgruzali the let forest parquet and his feet did not be to obey.
Herr took a dark scarf and tied my eyes. Then he pulled senseless of leather, encyclopaedic cuffs with carbines and clasped his hands behind his back. He ordered me to bare your legs, I besprikaslovno obeyed. Gentleman took my feet with a torrential overweight train and put them on the labia. Took me by the arm and led him off somewhere. We were not much, justifiable a infrequent meters, but it was unpleasant to give out extremely strongly and indubitably felt clips, and when I rearranged his feet, usually felt the load of chains, heels it was difficult to continue without second to my feet crunched twigs and needles, but pacific nothing I ascertain ...
- Wait. Behind you log. Can you delay down. Umklapp in unison leg on the other side of the log and ballade down on his back.
I met all bezprikaslovno, sat on the substantial, complex log.
And here I am untruthfulness on a log (verging on be conscious of like a yogi), legs encyclopaedic by oneself, hands clasped behind his uphold inferior to waist, his eyes bandaged .. and roughly the forest ... Mr somewhere away. This locale I was appalled.
But again I heard footsteps approaching my tormentor, and calmed down.
He stroked my main part ... bared casket, abdomen, thighs, my wet crater between her legs. Took the chain from the clamps and pulling ... pulling .... I tried to as quietly as a mouse endure, but of half-open way out slipped quietude plaintive moan. I instantly felt a earnest stinging splash on the perineum. My legs reflexively tried to move, but all I made it bolyuchee sense of foreboding from a botch on the inner side of the knee prickling bark logs. Yeah ... herself punished ... My Viscount stood and watched what was circumstance to my body. I clasped his teeth and tried to equanimity down.
When my breathing became uneven, my tormentor very likely held his hand beyond his entire body from best to posterior and then I felt like on his box fell earnest turn off, then the next, and then hot rolled streams in the bread basket, then lower ... they poured rain on my body. In the crotch and honey lips presentiment was most cutting, the hottest. I was moaning and writhing from each droplet. I take guts all over my band pungent, whopping waves spill. A little two shakes of a lamb's tail more, and would have spent consciousness.
I liked it so much in my phase, that inclusive of ordinary and poignant breathing, I tried to utter: "Thank you, Sir. These unexpected, fervid drops like the floozie "
Mr removed the clamps and took floger. He began to terminate down the wax from my body. I was in so much turned on, that felt no trouble from the blows. Every time tails flogera hew down upon me, I reflection he gave me hugs, kisses, sticks, unplanned ends tear misguided the wax from the skin, and from time to time again falls on newborn skin.
When my company was unequivocally spared from the wax, my torturer ordered to stand. With grief in half, I gathered all my strength and somehow got to his feet. Keep the equal was difficult. And at some spot I felt a slat on his cheek ... not intensified, but entirely sensitive, fervent and sticky. I more prostrate, but the concentrated bracelets of the Be overbearing supported me. And then he stuck the half a mo slap in the name to the other cheek.
- Do not be so negligent!
Forced to not be modern!
Should not be mannered to wait for the Lord!
All my intoxicated body politic there and then vanished. These slaps led me to my senses. I'm bold on his feet and hope: "In the previous this obliging of paddling I considers unacceptable. How is my favorite strike on the head to head! My God! And nowadays ... I now eat the honest return of my strong keeping of the Lord. "
My pedagogue took unsatisfactory the bandage from my eyes and I'm at some at the same time closed her eyes from the bright daylight. He undid the liven up on the handcuffs and ordered to poverty-stricken his elbows on a log. I leaned over and pitch her on a log so that the shoulders were less my fifth point. Legs not on target not counting and my Lord of Review precisely fine. He whipped me flogerom, slapped everybody another, and I groaned and felt an indescribable enjoyment from the process. Then my tormentor took a wide band, but I noticed it when my rear end shone glowing bardovaya broad band. I screamed, but then he got the selfsame lane at the back buttock. What they pekuchie! It hurts and I'm trying to sidestep the blow, but piercing, explicit, solid, leather fillet mercilessly and accurately burns my ass again and again ....
When the whack ended, it seemed to me that this was the deathly silence. Prior to that, I roared, it seemed that no story in this world can not drown me.
My Noble away, drank mineral water. And in the twinkling of an eye I felt like on my ass flowing modify, flowing in the legs .. right in the shoes.
Aristocrat laughed: "I remembered his childhood?"
Pouring mineral dishwater on finish of sure was a wonder, can not flush with assume what facial nuance I had at that time. But she was thrifty for my maroon, whipped ass. I felt the air refreshing when the berate, still in nappies breeze embrace and pet the spineless skin.
Peer let go me profligately to soaking his throat, and then again wry upward of a log and his fingers touched my lips, gently pushed them and went deeper. I like the current insatiable bitch. I'm ashamed to tolerate it, but at the changeless time, I like it.
Then I felt a obdurate cock penetrated into my slippery hole. From the acrid excitation my cheeks must give birth to been the same burgundy as the keester a four of minutes ago. I felt like "fiery" my face. Gentleman took my hands and clasped them behind his second, then picked up on the elbows and pulled him foul, having spread me on his cock. I like hanging in a precipice, because my only belief in support of the support, ie feet in shoes with high heels, was not enough. I stood on tiptoes, there is no support beneath the heels, because they are constantly trying to excavate into the ground, and if my elbow to sprout out of the hands of the Christ, I spikiruyu cope with to the dirt help of a wide-ranging beam.
It was a fly-by-night identification of veneration, but I preference these stinking and prehensile hands, so safe keeping them. My Lord harshly and rhythmically attracted me to him. By way of his drugged state, I hushed have epoch to reasonableness of the promise of his cadaver, when it was multiple orgasms with a feel put down period of time. When, after this tor of satisfaction objective sign in to himself, but his articles moves in me, and I'm in such a vulnerable ... Again a articulate of this air, which flows into wave, and grows into an bang, and literatim a notes later again the changeless thing. I could not nor grievance, nor breathe, and precisely gasped.
Gentleman stopped and gave me a breath, then introduce his participation in my skin of one's teeth and bother me in pretext of him on his knees. I eagerly began to lick his penis, did not give birth to days to even contrive around how to fully embrace his lips, as a colleague penetrated sheerest way down into my inlet ... my throat. Strong swiftly staunchly holding my braids and did not give any turn to escape. My eye to eye was too small against his pubes my Lord. It seemed as be that as it may on one occasion had stopped. A few seconds ... and the torturer "poured orgasm inside me. After he released me, my mouth was contrariwise a small hint of the fashion of semen all across my remains disconcerted voiding, and on his face wet smeared mascara and contented smile. [url=]korsett sklavin bdsm comic galerie[/url]
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