It worries me that I have more than 25 things I need to get done in the next 25 days. I don't mean minor things, that will take me about 25 minutes to accomplish - I mean major things, like finishing the reno. And the Christmas letter. And the Christmas cards. And the Christmas shopping.
Oh god, the Christmas shopping.
I have done no shopping for this Christmas yet. Not. One. Single. Thing.
No, that's a lie. I have three presents tucked away for little daughter, and that's it. And technically, I didn't shop for them. A friend called and said, "I'm at (name of store) and Groovy Girls are on sale. Want me to pick some up?" So that doesn't really count. Although it's handy. If any of you are out, and come across something you think I ought to buy for my mother, give me a heads up, would you?
But I can't start the shopping because with the reno, I have no where to put anything. I can't even start decorating, because we have to paint the living room first. After the reno.
Oh god, the painting-the-living-room.
That's right, the paint I bought at WalMart before Halloween is not yet on the walls. No point in painting before you start dragging drywall and other construction materials through the house.
I think Trading Spaces lies. There's no way they could get done all that they do in 48 hours. There's just no way.
Found a cute thing over at the Blog Herald today. Top 10 Dangers of Living in the Blog Space. Some of the description fits. Here's my favourite:
8. You will stop having normal conversations with family and friends: Real life conversations will go like this. "Oh, hey, I saw So-And-So in concert and the weirdest thing happened..." Friend, "Yeah, I know, I read about it on your blog." Silence. Friend, "Did I tell you that I'm..." You, "Blog." Friend, "Yeah."
On the radio tomorrow morning - 8:20, to be precise. So if you're anywhere between London and Toledo, you might be able to tune in to AM 800 CKLW. If not, well, I'll let you know how it goes.