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September 30, 2003



Add me to the list of buyers too :)


Welcome to the world of commenting!!!!!!!!!
Why shouldn't you say you are good out loud?? You are!!!!!!!!!! and by the way ...where do we reserve copies???

Maytag Muser

Yay, I can comment! Shelley, add me to your list of buyers. You ARE good and should say it as loud as you can!


Okay, count me as officially commenting. And yes, I am guilty of checking back several times daily. Just when I think you guys are done blogging for the day, you surprise me and do it again, so I miss something! I don't wanna miss anything! WAHHHH!

Jenn PB

Of course I'll buy it. Yes I check in several times a day. And yes you are very good what you do. Keep going.
Jenn PB

Angela Giles Klocke

Me too, me too! :)


You can consider me a regular reader - thanks to Miss Cashier's link to your blog :)


I enjoy your style and comments.
Makes me jealous because you have good insights and clevers ways of expressing them.

Unfortunately most people just ho-hum my aha's. Do you give lessons?

A Colorado listener.

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